Everything Is Music
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About the label:

everything is music is an adult contemporary label founded by Susan Unger. Our mission is to offer the adult contemporary audience the best unknown and promising contemporary adult talent. The artists come from all walks of life. The music is folk, world, rock, jazz, gospel, and everything in between.

Many musical artists give up early on their dreams of creating and performing music for mass audiences and financial success. But a handful of talented people don’t give up. In between the rigors of forty hour a week day jobs and family obligations these artists continue performing and creating music in their living rooms and at open mikes.
The enormity of their collective talent and generosity of spirit, including the donation of a portion of their profits to non-profit organizations, is overwhelming and under appreciated.

In November 2004, strengthened by her own resolve to get out of the living room and encouraged by the completion her own cd,
Susan Unger (see artist bios) started everything is music out of her apartment in Queens, New York.

For now, this grassroots label has earned more love and support than monetary profit.
In fact, at this time, the artists underwrite the label production and manufacturing costs. However, basic services, expertise and support are provided in areas such as: recording sessions, pre and post package production, general art direction, studio resources and manufacturing resources.

The future is bright. The artists are in the wings. There are no limits.
The stars are aligned. Everything is in place. Everything is music.
everything is music


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